Facing Reality

Pastors/Ministry Leaders/CEOs:

God is a builder, enlarger, creator, expander, and innovator. He doesn’t start something He doesn’t want to continue to build.

At the same time, growth without change is impossible! LCU’s MaxCEO Program of Leadership and Growth will help you make the changes you need to stay strong in you calling and fulfill it, to accomplish all that God has tasked you to do, to build a succession plan and leave a lasting legacy, training future generations of God’s leaders.

If you are the only one facing reality, you are working alone – which is never God’s plan. You need people to help you, so the vision God gave you can become a reality. You need team members who wake up in the middle of the night with innovative ideas to turn the obstacles you face into opportunities.

Be the leader God intended!


The LCU/MaxCEO Program of Leadership and Growth provides innovative, interactive training that serves as the leadership development system for your entire church or organization.

You and your executive team receive step-by-step instruction and practical application in God’s scriptural system of mentorship, coaching, team training, and involvement which results in maximized growth, innovation, and personal satisfaction.

These 54 team training sessions can be taken online, either as a Certificate Program or as an expanded Degree Program.  For details, click here to learn more: https://lcuonline.com/maxceo/)

What our students are saying…

God graciously allows me to learn His Word in such great magnitude

I have accomplished more than I would ever imagine! If you had told me in 1990 that by 2017 I would be studying to receive my doctorate degree, I would have probably said, "I don't think so!"

I find that my ability to speak to God's people has increased over the last 5 years and I believe my best testimony is that lives that are being set free and changed because of the gift God put in my life to share His Word that I have learned at LCU.

God graciously allows me to learn His Word in such great magnitude it is just so amazing. I have been so wonderfully blessed. And I know that greater things are yet to come.

Pastor T. S., Lakeland, FL

I pastor in one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in Chicago

Since graduation with my Doctor of Ministry degree in 2014, I have become the Senior Pastor of Cosmopolitan Community Church, which is a 94-year-old, non-denominational, historic church located in Chicago, Illinois. There were over 80 candidates involved in this process, but, thanks to God and my LCU education, I was able to begin my assignment in 2016.

I started out as an associate minister at a local church, and after completing 6 years at LCU, I now pastor and preach each week in one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in the city of Chicago.

E. C., Chicago, IL

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I now feel equipped to do the work of the ministry

When I found LCU, it changed my life! Human words cannot describe how LCU put me on the path God had for me. The spiritual atmosphere and anointing, plus the deep knowledge of the Word and passionate teaching all worked to guide me into what I was searching for. I now feel equipped to do the work of the ministry. My studies at LCU gave me the confidence to preach: I always hoped for this! Once I took the steps to become prepared, God opened doors for me. I have already preached in several churches, and more are opening up, both in the U.S. and in Puerto Rico. I want to encourage you: if you have the desire to serve God, LCU can help you achieve your dream!

E. R. M., Tampa, FL

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