Exponential Church Growth Simplified!

Pastors/Ministry Leaders/CEOs:

Here’s the secret of exponential growth – simply replicate yourself!

As you gain the leadership skills you need to replicate yourself, you can stop doing everything yourself!
• Start to enjoy your life again!
• Do what you are called by God to do – lead your team!

The LCU/Max CEO Program of Leadership and Growth will revolutionize your entire church, ministry, or business.

God entrusts His people to your care, to lead, coach, teach, train, and mentor. Your job is to replicate yourself – your gifts, abilities, talents, and resources – in them, giving them an opportunity to serve God, to feel the joy and rewards of service.


The LCU/Max CEO Program of Leadership and Growth provides innovative, interactive training that serves as the leadership development system for your entire church or organization.
You and your executive team receive step-by-step instruction and practical application in God’s scriptural system of mentorship, coaching, team training, and involvement which results in maximized growth, innovation, and personal satisfaction.
These 54 team training sessions can be taken online, either as a Certificate Program or as an expanded Degree Program. For details, click here to learn more: https://lcuonline.com/maxceo/)

What our students are saying…

God graciously allows me to learn His Word in such great magnitude

I have accomplished more than I would ever imagine! If you had told me in 1990 that by 2017 I would be studying to receive my doctorate degree, I would have probably said, "I don't think so!"

I find that my ability to speak to God's people has increased over the last 5 years and I believe my best testimony is that lives that are being set free and changed because of the gift God put in my life to share His Word that I have learned at LCU.

God graciously allows me to learn His Word in such great magnitude it is just so amazing. I have been so wonderfully blessed. And I know that greater things are yet to come.

Pastor T. S., Lakeland, FL

The Holy Spirit leads & guides us

I have had the Holy Spirit lead me and guide me in many situations both in my walk personally and in ministry work. This has happened many times while I was an LCU student. It is always such a joy. I have had some remarkable experiences as I obey His leading.

While on a mission trip in Costa Rica, we went to a local hospital. We had the opportunity to do skits and pray with patients. The Holy Spirit was present with us. I went with a team to pray with patients. God led me to the last room at the end of the hall on the 3rd floor. The room was full, with 10 patients in their beds.

In the corner, there was a woman sitting on her bed staring up with her hand raised. My interpreter, Rowan, and I walked over to her bed. Her eyes were black as coal and she was scratching her arms. I could see the demon’s presence in her eyes. I asked her if I could pray with her and she said, “Yes.”

I placed my hand on her head and proceeded to pray in Jesus’ name. I could feel God’s power flowing through me. I opened my eyes and I could see changes coming over her. Her skin was changing to a different complexion and her eyes changed to a bluish-green color. She then took my hand and placed it on her stomach where there was a large tumor sticking out. As I continued to pray, I could feel the tumor shrinking in and going away. She immediately jumped up on the bed and started yelling, “Jesús, Jesús!” Then she continued to jump from bed to bed.

Rowan turned a little pale, but I could tell he was excited about what had just happened. He said, “Mr. John, I’m sticking with you from now on!”

The Holy Spirit is incredible, and the presence of God is the greatest feeling in the world!

– Pastor J. S., Gibsonia, PA

I enjoy the professors

I enjoy seeing the different professors/doctors/pastors and listening to the real-life stories told during the different courses, and how their faith has benefitted their life and their family. I have learned so very much from these teachers. I have laughed a lot at their good senses of humor.

Online Student
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