Using the authority of the believer

My mother suddenly suffered a seizure and collapsed. She was diagnosed with a large brain tumor. I laid hands on her and prayed. I then went about comforting my father who was understandably beside himself. He quietly said, “We’re going to go down fighting.” I replied, “Dad, we're not going down.” In that moment, this man who had so viciously rejected my Christian beliefs over the years latched onto my faith and was encouraged. In the rehab hospital, my mother’s recovery moved at a phenomenal pace. Instead of two weeks of "acute rehab," she was discharged to go home in three days! The icing on the cake: my father received the Lord the night before my mother went in for surgery!!! The principles I learned in the “Authority of the Believer” course adjusted my mindset towards life in Christ. I've needed a deeper understanding of the fact that I could appropriate and truly walk out God's authority in the earth. Thank you so much for making the course available! – Student testimony from our Miami, FL, campus
Life Christian University
My mother suddenly suffered a seizure and collapsed. She was diagnosed with a large brain tumor. I laid hands on her and prayed. I then went about comforting my father who was understandably beside himself. He quietly said, “We’re going to go down fighting.” I replied, “Dad, we're not going down.” In that moment, this man who had so viciously rejected my Christian beliefs over the years latched onto my faith and was encouraged. In the rehab hospital, my mother’s recovery moved at a phenomenal pace. Instead of two weeks of "acute rehab," she was discharged to go home in three days! The icing on the cake: my father received the Lord the night before my mother went in for surgery!!! The principles I learned in the “Authority of the Believer” course adjusted my mindset towards life in Christ. I've needed a deeper understanding of the fact that I could appropriate and truly walk out God's authority in the earth. Thank you so much for making the course available! – Student testimony from our Miami, FL, campus
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